Changing Lifestyles, Sustaining Communities

Community Climate Coach is dedicated to fostering environmentally sustainable lifestyles and building community.

Looking at lists of eco-friendly lifestyle changes is easy, but actually making those changes is not. We aim to change that, by connecting people within communities to gather and share their own tips and tricks. 

Inspired by the idea of direct sales, we want to enable our members to host their own live gatherings – Climate Coaching Cafés – where they can gather and have fun, while also sharing tips for more eco-friendly living. Our “ Coaching Tips ” page is a compilation of example tips for more eco-friendly living, and we invite participants to share personal experiences and knowledge to spread the word and inspire ever greater action. 

If you want help beyond the Coaching Café guide, our volunteer coaches are people who have done this before, and are willing to help you to plan a climate coaching café yourself. Get in touch if you would like to connect with a coach. 

Feel free to check out our blog for occasional thoughts from contributors (and let us know if you’d like to write something).


Climate Coaching Café  

Host a gathering with friends who are interested in making simple lifestyle adjustments to reduce their environmental impact and share tips. 

Climate Coaching Tips

A compendium of tips contributed by our users that you can share with attendees at your coaching café. This is a living document, and we invite you to contact us with suggestions of items to add.


Measuring Results

We want to know if this model works! We encourage all participants to keep in touch and let us know how many suggestions you have adopted and for how long. Please use our Feedback Form to let us know how your thoughts!