The end of summer is bittersweet. Many of us in the global north have wonderful summer experiences of playing outside, sprinklers/pools/fountains, ice cream, biking or scooting around, and feeling the hot air on our bare skin. It’s nice stuff. But these days its tinged with a lot more discomfort than it used to be (see, for example, the NOAA article with this sobering headline and subheading: “Summer 2021 Neck and Neck with Dust Bowl Summer for Hottest on Record: US plagued by multiple deadly weather and climate disasters in August“). And, of course, it’s only going to get worse. 

But with the beginning of the school year comes a reminder that we can learn and change. That humans are endlessly adaptable and that we can do things even against our will. I mean, how many kids sitting in those classrooms would just love to be doing anything else? But they don’t! That’s good news, I think!

And school reminds us also that one of the biggest things we can do is just talk about stuff. Teach each other. Spread the word. So host a climate coaching event! Share tips! Not in a preach-y way, but because different ideas will appeal to different people and I think the general sense from people who keep up whatever new habit they’ve taken on is that it’s better. Silicon baking mats/muffin tins don’t stick at all. Silicon ziploc bags don’t leak or rip (or leach chemicals). Bar soap is cheap and lasts forever. Etc. Etc. I’m not saying you’ll take these ideas on, but maybe there’s someone out there with the idea for you. 

Good luck!