Climate Coaching Café

Host a Climate Coaching Café and have fun with your friends while helping each other and the planet! Climate Coaching Cafés are designed to bring people together for fun, support and sharing of tips for more eco-friendly living.  

A Climate Coaching Café is a gathering with friends/members of your local community. You don’t need any special knowledge or expertise to host one, and there are no rules. But if you are looking for guidance, below are some suggestions from some of our past hosts.

  1. Who is the audience? Typically, the audience is people who are interested in reducing their environmental footprints at least a little, regardless of where in that journey they may be. 
  2. What is the goal? There are two goals (1) to reduce our environmental footprints in manageable ways and (2) to build our in-person communities . Aim to have each person leave with at least one new idea that they will act on and with a group of friends to share ideas with as they go.
  3. How do we get there? Anyone who has made a change should share what they have done, why, and how it’s been going. Share the good and the bad! In our experience, changes that are painless and positive for some people can be very hard for others. Learning from each other allows us all to find those changes that we will actually make and keep up with. 
  4. What else should we do? Climate Coaching Cafés are meant to be fun. We have heard of people partnering with local businesses (such as plastic free stores or private composting services) to host “parties” where the store can present some of their merchandise or where attendees can bring compost to be picked up. Others may do potlucks, picnics, tea parties, or tack a climate coaching café onto an existing book club. Do whatever you think will be fun! We recommend using sites like Eventbrite to get ideas and to handle logistics like invitations. Just remember that even electronic invitations have a carbon footprint ?

If you do host a Climate Coaching Café or make a lifestyle change after hearing about it in a café (or anywhere else), please also let us know




Coaching Tips

Find our list of tips you can share here