Changing Lifestyles, Sustaining communities

Community Climate Coach is dedicated to fostering environmentally sustainable lifestyles and building community by providing free learning resources, peer coaching services, and local connections. We believe that we all have something to learn and something to teach, and that even small acts taken together can yield big results.  

We whose lives are filled with carbon and waste may be extremely privileged, but these privileges also trap us by erecting barriers to lifestyle changes. Beyond inertia, there are many forces acting to make it easy to continue living as we have, and change can seem not only daunting but also not worth it. 

Community Climate Coach is meant for those of us who face those barriers. Many of us may already have some idea of what we can do to reduce our ecological footprints, but the perceived costs – in convenience, time, money, habit, comfort, or effort – are too high. 

A Climate Coaching Café is a fun gathering of friends. It is also an opportunity to gain some tips that are easy to implement and that will improve participants’ well-being. 

We also keep a list of tips, designed to help potential hosts with tip suggestions to discuss during a Climate Coaching Café and to provide inspiration for change within our communities.