Key required behavioral changes

The International Energy Agency published a truly fabulous report: IEA (2021), Net Zero by 2050, IEA, Paris

Not surprisingly, it highlighted how behavioral change is an essential part of achieving meaningful reductions in emissions. This is consistent with work by other inspiration organizations, such as Project Drawdown. But I loved how they presented it, and the fact that it was them – the IEA, an organization born of the 1973-74 oil crisis to “ensure the security of oil supplies”.

It’s credible and actionable information, and here’s what it says:

  • We need to not fly any more than we did in 2019.  Thanks to Covid, this feels very realistic to me, if we can get the message through. And, I don’t know, but maybe the ultra rich who are creating space tourism should maybe first ensure we can stay on this planet, before burning fuel trying to escape it for a day or two. 
  • We need to drive as little as possible – walk, bike, take public transit.
  • When we drive, we need to do it better: in an electric vehicle and in efficient ways (stick to the 100km/hr speed limit, for example)
  • We need to buy energy efficient appliances, such as heat pumps and “EnergyStar” (or equivalent outside the US) appliances
  • We need to use our appliances in efficient ways – that means, LED bulbs, tap cold clothing machine washing, air drying clothes, setting water temperatures to no greater than 120 degrees F 
  • We need to keep our appliances well maintained

This all seems doable to me! to me, the hardest part in these behavioural things is just doing it. For example, maintaining appliances seems easy. But the other day my shower tap started leaking (just a bit, but still). It took me about a week to try my hand at fixing it, and another week to call the super to fix it after I realized I couldn’t do it. it is hard for me to go even slightly out of my way to do what I know is right. But I am slowly chipping away at old habits, and who knows, maybe I’ll one day feel even slightly competent and performing basic maintenance myself. Here’s hoping!

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